Presidential Election

There are several ways to use social media and websites to either learn about the election process or to follow the presidential race.  Here are a few.

The Federal Register  currently has a short video on their website titled Electoral College and the National Archives that helps explain the electoral college.  Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a certificate of ascertainment and a certificate of electoral vote?  This is the place to find out.  The video is also available at YouTube.

Listen to a report or read the transcript on NPR about why elections are held on Tuesdays

Do you need to know which candidates are mentioned the most on Twitter?   If so, you need to see @mentionmachine on the Washington Post website.

Also from the Washington Post is the 2012 Presidential Campaign Finance Explorer.

States of Play from the Economist offers charts, maps and infographics.

Browse fact-checked questions for the last Presidential debate – from the New York Times.

Democratic Party Facebook page

Republican National Committee Facebook page


As with all other resources, please remember that apps may or may not carry bias of their creator or sponsor.  Do these people or organizations have a reputation you trust?

I have not investigated which devices the apps listed in this post will operate.

The Superpacapp is sponsored by the Knight Foundation.  Its stated mission is to allow users to view and rate political ads and find out who and how much money is behind the ad. 

The New York Times offers smartphone apps that offer news, opinion, multimedia and an election guide. 

The Mashable website highlights six election apps you may want to investigate.

Image from the League of Women voters of California – 


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